The clients will find Maxim girls in Bar Schönbrunn

Maxim girls are currently found in Bar Schönbrunn until mid-March

As you probably know, since the end of last year Sexbar Maxim is undergoing renovations. The good part is that most of the Maxim girls can be found at Bar Schönbrunn. Until the renovation is finished, the clients can meet their favorite girls in Bar Schönbrunn. Read our entire article if you want to see which are the available girls.

In Bar Schönbrunn you can find some of the Maxim girls

As we know, the girls who have previously worked in Sexbar Maxim didn’t move to other laufthauses or clubs. According to our information, the majority of the Maxim girls are either working in Bar Schönbrunn or they decided to take a break until Maxim will be opened again. On the Schönbrunn Bar website, you can see the girls who still provide their services. Christina, Ariana, Nicky, Anna and Eva are five sexy ladies who can be found in Bar Schönbrunn. Sometimes, also Cassandra and Carla can be found in Bar Schönbrunn.

The collaboration with Bar Schönbrunn was announced by the Maxim staff. The main purpose was that clients can meet their favorite girls even if the sex club is closed for renovation. Although Sexbar Maxim is temporarily closed, Bar Schönbrunn is the location where the clients can meet their dearest girls. Maxim staff stated the club will be operational again somewhere in mid-March.

Basic info about Bar Schönbrunn

Maxim girls are eager to meet their clients in Bar Schönbrunn.

Bar Schönbrunn will temporarily host Maxim girls

Bar Schönbrunn is one of the prestigious and finest sex bars in Vienna. The clients appreciate this location because you can find many sexy girls who will make you feel great.

Bar Schönbrunn is currently hosting some of the Maxim girls and can be found at the following address: Schönbrunner Schlossstrasse 46  /EckeGrünbergstrasse – 1120 Wien.

Schedule: Monday – Saturday 8pm – 5am.

Phone number:  +43 1 810 5670

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